Friday, October 10, 2014

Week 6: In The News


          In Victoria, BC earlier this week, scientists came to the conclusion after doing an experiment on University students that consumed alcohol before writing an exam helped students achieve better grades. Scientists asked one thousand students to volunteer in doing an experiment.  Scientists got five hundred students to consume alcohol before writing an exam. They got the other five hundred students to write the same exam without consuming alcohol.  Once the exam results were released, scientists were shocked with the outcome. The students who consumed alcohol before the exam surprisingly scored a high average of eighty-five percent. The students who didn’t consume the alcohol had scored lower on the exam with a sixty percent average. Therefore the scientists came to the final conclusion that alcohol indeed helps students achieve better grades.
          Scientists were in complete shock from their experiment at the University of Victoria. They decided to go into greater and deeper studies to figure out why the alcohol helped students achieve better grades.  After laboratory studies scientists couldn’t figure out any possible reasoning why students who consumed alcohol would do better on their exams. Scientists decided to go back and survey the same one thousand students who volunteered to participate in the experiment. They asked the students how much did they drinked regularly and scientists got the answers they were looking for. These five hundred students who consumed the alcohol were heavy drinkers and alcohol didn’t affect them in achieving good grades. In conclusion the students who volunteered to consume the alcohol were smart in the first placed and only volunteered to get free alcohol. 

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